Creating Continuous Dimensions
The ContinueDimension command continues a linear, angular, or ordinate Dimension from an extension line of the previous or specified Dimension.
Continous dimensioning breaks one long Dimension into shorter segments that add up to the total measurement.
The command is a variation of linear dimensioning in that existing dimensioning is continued or extended. A second Dimension is linked to an existing Dimension to create a dimensioning chain.
This type of dimensioning assumes that an existing linear, angular, or ordinate Dimension serves as a base for the chain.
To create continuous Dimensions:
- Ensure that the entity you want to dimension already has a linear, angular, or ordinate Dimension, or insert a Dimension if necessary.
- Click Dimension > Continue (or type ContinueDimension).
When the last dimensioning command created a linear, angular, or ordinate Dimension, you are prompted to select a point as the second extension line origin. In other cases, you are prompted to select an existing linear, angular, or ordinate Dimension as the base Dimension. The same request appears if you press Enter at the prompt to specify a second extension line origin. - In the graphics area, select the:
- Second extension line origin or a baseline Dimension (linear, angular, or ordinate Dimension) depending on the command prompt.
- Points for subsequent extension line origins. Use EntitySnaps for ease of dimensioning.
When creating linear continuous dimension chains, the Dimension text displays the distance between the extension line you append to and the point you select. - If necessary, specify the Undo option to remove the last continuous Dimension entered during the current command.
Command: ContinueDimension
Menu: Dimension > Continue