Attaching Hyperlinks to Entities
The Hyperlink command attaches a hyperlink to an entity or modifies an existing hyperlink. Hyperlinks provide jumps to Web sites, email addresses, drawing files, or user-defined views in the current drawing.
To open the Hyperlink dialog box:
- Click Insert > Hyperlink (or type Hyperlink).
- Specify entities in the graphics area to which you want to apply hyperlinks, then press Enter.
The Hyperlink dialog box appears.
To create a hyperlink to an existing file or web page:
- In the Hyperlink dialog box, click Existing File or Web Page.
- For Text, type a description for the hyperlink. Use this if the link itself is not meaningful enough.
- For Address, type the hyperlink.
- or, click- - Current Folder to navigate to the file you to which you want to hyperlink. The drive or folder in Look In determines the content of the file list.
- Browsed Pages (lists recently browsed Web sites from your Internet browser), then select a page from the list.
- Recent Files (lists files recently used), then select a file from the list.
- Click
to select a file in the Open dialog box.
- Click Target Frame to select a location in a drawing file to which to hyperlink.
- Click
to open your standard web browser to search for web site addresses.
- Click OK.
To create a hyperlink to a named view in the current drawing:
- In the Hyperlink dialog box, click Place in This Drawing.
- In Select a place in this drawing, select a user-defined view.
- Click OK.
To create a hyperlink to an email address:
- In the Hyperlink dialog box, click Email Address.
- For Email address, type an address.
- or -
In List of recent email addresses, select an email address.
- For Subject, type text to set a subject for the email.
- Click OK.
When the hyperlink is invoked, your email software creates an email to the specified address.
To display the hyperlink tooltip:
- Hover the pointer over an entity that contains a hyperlink.
To open the hyperlink:
- Press Ctrl and click the entity that contains the hyperlink.
To delete a hyperlink:
- Click Insert > Hyperlink (or type Hyperlink).
- Specify the entity whose hyperlink you want to delete, then press Enter.
- In the dialog box, clear the entries in Text and Address.
- Click OK.
Command: Hyperlink
Menu: Insert > Hyperlink
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + K
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + K
Keyboard Shortcut: Command + K