Creating Patterns of Entities in 3D Space

The Pattern3D command lets you create a pattern of entities in 3D space, either in a linear matrix or a circular alignment about a rotation axis.

With linear patterns, the command operates similarly to the Pattern command but with additional specification of levels for the copies. For circular patterns, the command uses a rotation axis instead of a center point for the adjustment.

The created entities inherit all properties of the original entities such as Layers, LineColors, LineStyles, and LineWeights.

To create a linear pattern of entities in 3D space:

  1. Type Pattern3D at the command prompt.
  2. In the graphics area, select entities to pattern and press Enter.
  3. Specify the Linear option.
  4. Type the number of:
  5. Type the distance between the:
  6. The linear pattern is generated in 3D space. Specify a non-planar view to see the result.

To create a circular pattern of entities in 3D space:

  1. Type Pattern3D.
  2. In the graphics area, select entities to pattern and press Enter.
  3. Specify the Circular option.
  4. Type the number of items for the circular pattern.
  5. Type the angle to fill. Type a positive number for a counter-clockwise fill angle or a negative number for a clockwise fill angle.
  6. Specify whether the entities are rotated when copied.
  7. Select the first and second points on the rotation axis.
  8. The circular pattern is generated in 3D space. Specify a non-planar view to see the result.


Command: Pattern3D

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