Creating Notes
The Note command lets you insert Text entities.
Notes are formatted text blocks, not singleline text.
To create Notes:
- Click Draw > Text > Note (or type Note).
- In the graphics area, specify the first corners of the text box.
- Note: The text box roughly locates the placement for the Text but essentially determines the line length. Text wraps onto the next line if the width is insufficient.
- Specify the opposite corner of the text box or specify an option:
- Angle: Specifies the insertion angle of the Note.
- Height: Specifies the text height used within Note.
- Justify: Specifies the text justification within the Note text box (for example, TL for top left alignment). (Vertical alignment: T = top, M = middle, B = bottom; horizontal alignment: L = left, C = center, R = right).
- Line spacing: Specifies line spacing used withi the Note. Line spacing is the vertical distance between the baseline of a line of text to the baseline of the next line of text.
- Text Style: Specifies a TextStyle.
- Width: Specifies the width of the text box.
- Type text and format it.
- The text cursor
displays at the current location in the Note.
- Use the Note Formatting pop-up toolbar as needed (see below).
To fill the space indicated by the text box and wrap the text as needed, continue the line entry beyond the visual extents of the text box.
Using the Note Formatting Pop-up Toolbar
To open the Note Formatting pop-up toolbar:
- When you type a Note, right-click and click Editor Settings > Show Toolbar.
To format Text using the Note Formatting pop-up toolbar:
- Specify the options as needed:
- TextStyle
: Specifies a TextStyle.
- Text Font
: Specifies a typeface using an SHX file or a True Type Font file. SHX files are installed with the system. In addition, you can use any True Type Font installed on your computer .
- Text Height
: Specifies the text height for subsequent or selected text. Select a value from the list or type a value. The text height is the distance from the baseline to the top of a regular uppercase glyph (cap line) and is also known as the cap height.
- Bold
: Specifies bold formatting for subsequent or selected text. Applicable with True Type Fonts only.
- Italic
: Specifies italic formatting for subsequent or selected text. Applicable with True Type Fonts only.
- Underline
: Specifies underline formatting for subsequent or selected text.
- Overline
: Specifies overline formatting for subsequent or selected text.
- LineColor
: Specifies the color for subsequent or selected text.
- Ruler: Displays a ruler at the top of the text box.
- Insert Field
: Inserts a Field at the cursor position.
- More Options
: From the menu, select an option:
- Find and Replace: Lets you search for text strings and replace text strings.
- AutoCAPS: Creates new text with uppercase characters. To alter the case of existing text, highlight the text, then right-click, and click Change Case. AutoCAPS does not affect existing text.
- Character Set: Specifies a code page to apply to selected text.
- Editor Settings: Specify options:
- Always display as WYSIWYG: Controls text display when you edit text.
- When selected, text is displayed with the size and insertion angle as defined.
- When cleared, text that is very small, very large, or rotated and difficult to read is displayed at a legible size and horizontally oriented so you can read it easily.
- Show Toolbar: Shows or hides the Note Formatting pop-up toolbar.
- Text Highlight color: Specifies the background color when text is selected.
- Background Mask: Specifies an opaque background color behind the Note.
- Undo
: Removes the previous text editing or formatting.
- Redo
: Restores the state prior to issuing Undo.
- Copy
: Copies highlighted text to the clipboard.
- Cut
: Removes the highlighted text and copies the text to the clipboard.
- Paste
: Inserts text from the clipboard at the cursor position.
- Uppercase
: Changes the case of highlighted text to uppercase.
- Lowercase
: Changes the case of highlighted text to lowercase.
- Bullets and Lists
: Makes subsequent or selected text a bulleted list, a numbered list, or a lettered list (uppercase or lowercase), or turns off the list property.
- Alignment
: Sets the justification and alignment in relation to the insertion point of the Note.
- Insert Symbol
: Inserts a symbol (degrees, plus/minus, diameter, and other symbols and characters such as non-breaking spaces) at the cursor position.
- Oblique Angle
: Specifies the slant of the characters in relation to the text baseline. A positive value for the obliquing angle slants text to the right, a negative value slants text to the left (in the range of 85 to -85).
- Tracking Factor
: Enhances (> 1.0) or reduces (< 1.0) the distances between characters.
- Width Factor
: Specifies the enlargement (> 1.0) or reduction (< 1.0) of the text characters width.
- Help
: Displays this help topic.
- OK
: Finishes Note creation.
Command: Note
Menu: Draw > Text > Note