Constructing RichLines

You can use RichLines to draw 2 to 16 parallel linear entities. You can create and manage styles for RichLines from Format > RichLine Styles.

To construct RichLine entities:

  1. Click Draw > RichLine (or type RichLine).
  2. In the graphics area, click:
    1. A start point for the RichLine.
    2. Segment vertices to define the RichLine.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Tip:  After specifying points, you can specify the Close option to close the RichLine entity.

To include justification options when creating RichLines:

When setting justification options, RichLines are drawn relative to the offset specification of the active RichLine Style.

  1. Click Draw > RichLine (or type RichLine).
  2. Specify the Justification option.
  3. Specify an option:
  4. In the graphics area, click:
    1. A start point for the RichLine.
    2. Segment vertices to define the RichLine.
  5. Press Enter.

To modify the width of the RichLine:

  1. Click Draw > RichLine (or type RichLine).
  2. Specify the Scale option.
  3. Type a scale factor value.

    The default scale factor is 1.0. For example, to halve the width of the RichLine, use a value of 0.5. This scale factor does not affect the overall LineScale factor.
  4. In the graphics area, click:
    1. A start point for the RichLine.
    2. Segment vertices to define the RichLine.
  5. Press Enter.

To select a style when constructing a RichLine:

  1. Click Draw > RichLine (or type RichLine).
  2. Specify the Style option.
  3. Type a style name or specify the ? option to list RichLine Styles.
  4. In the graphics area, click:
    1. A start point for the RichLine.
    2. Segment vertices to define the RichLine.
  5. Press Enter.


Command: RichLine

Menu: Draw > RichLine

Related Topics

Managing RichLine Styles

Constructing Lines

Constructing PolyLines