Attaching Images and Managing Referenced Images
Use the EditImage command to attach images to a drawing and manage them. You can also detach images from a drawing.
The command is a command window variant of the AttachImage and References commands.
To insert Referenced images:
- Type EditImage at the command prompt.
- Specify the Attach option to create a link to an image file and reference it in the drawing.
- Type the image you want to attach to the drawing.
- Type the position (insertion point) for the image.
- Type the scale for the image.
- Type the rotation angle to rotate the image upon placement.
The Referenced drawing displays where you placed it.
To list attached Referenced images:
- Type EditImage.
- Specify the ? option.
- Specify the * option.
Paths and file names of attached images are displayed in the command window.
To update Referenced images:
When working on a project in a workgroup, you might need to update Referenced images in drawings.
- Type EditImage.
- Specify the Reload option.
- Type the name of the Referenced image to reload.
The specified image reloads in the shape in which it was most recently saved.
To unload Referenced images:
- Type EditImage.
- Specify the Unload option.
- Type the name of the Referenced image to unload.
The Referenced image you unloaded is no longer visible in the drawing, but the link to the file is maintained. To redisplay an unloaded Reference, use the Reload option.
To reset the path to Referenced images:
Occasionally, the location of a Referenced image changes or a Referenced file is renamed. The Path option reestablishes the path to the Referenced image, reattaches a renamed Referenced image file, or replaces a Referenced image file with another file.
- Type EditImage.
- Specify the Path option.
- Type the name of the Referenced image whose path needs updating.
The image's old path displays. - Type the new path to the image.
To detach Referenced images:
Use the Detach option to remove Referenced images from drawings.
- Type EditImage.
- Specify the Detach option.
Note: Although you can erase Referenced images with the Delete command, use the Detach option to remove the link in the drawing file. - Type the names of Referenced images to detach from the drawing.
Command: EditImage