Clipping Referenced Images
You can display only part of a referenced image. The image is clipped at a boundary you create or specify.
You can create one clipping boundary per referenced image.
To clip referenced images:
- Click Modify > Clip > Image (or type ClipImage).
- Specify the referenced image to which you want to apply a clipping boundary.
- Specify an option:
- Create Boundary: Creates a new clipping boundary. If a clipping boundary already exists for the referenced image, you are prompted to delete the old boundary. Specify options:
- Polygonal: Lets you define an irregular polygonal shape as clipping boundary by specifying points.
- Rectangular: Lets you define a rectangular clipping boundary by specifying two opposite points.
- Select polyline: Lets you select an existing PolyLine to serve as clipping boundary. Arc segments are decurved.
- Delete: Removes the clipping boundary.
- Off: Turns the clipping boundary off to display the referenced image entirely. The clipping boundary is retained so you can activate it again.
- On: Turns the clipping boundary on to display only the portion of the referenced image inside the clipping boundary.
- Polyline: Creates a PolyLine from the clipping boundary you created before (using the Rectangle and Polygonal options).
Command: ClipImage