Specifying Units and Precision

The UnitSystem command lets you set:

You can set the linear and angular unit formats and precision independently.

The unit settings are saved with each drawing, and so they can be different for each drawing.

To specify units and precision:

  1. Click Format > Unit System (or type UnitSystem).

    In the Options dialog box, the Drawing Settings page opens and Unit System expands.
  2. Under Base angle:
  3. Under Length, set the:
  4. Examples of linear units:

    Unit Type Example 1 Example 2
    Architectural (Feet and Inches) 0'-1 1/2" 125'-0"
    Decimal 1.5000 1500.0000
    Engineering (Feet and Inches) 0'-1.5000" 125'-0.0000"
    Fractional 1 1/2 1500
    Scientific (Scientific exponential notation) 1.5000E+00 1.5000E+03
  5. Under Angle, set the:
  6. Examples of angular units:

    Unit Type Example 1 Example 2
    Decimal Degrees (Metric Units) 12.500 180
    Degrees / Minutes / Seconds 12d30'0" 180d0'0"
    Grads (400 grads equal to 360°) 13.889g 200.000g
    Radians (2 pi radians equal to 360°) 0.218r 3.142r
    Surveyor's UnitSystem (Compass bearings; N,S,E,W with deflection from North and South) N 77d30'0" E W
  7. Under Units scale, in Block units format, select the reference unit of measurement for Blocks and drawings in the drawing. Select Unitless to prevent scaling of entities. If the units of a Block (or drawing) to be inserted differ from the units in Block units format, the Block is scaled. This insertion scale determines the ratio between the units in the source and the units in the target drawing.
  8. Click OK.


Command: UnitSystem

Menu: Format > Unit System

Related Topics

-UnitSystem (command window variant)