Setting EntityGrip Preferences

Use the EntityGrips command to enable or disable EntityGrips (EGrips), set the size of EGrips, and set the color for specific states of EGrips.

To set EntityGrip preferences:

  1. Click Tools > Options (or type EntityGrips).
  2. Click Tools > Options (or type EntityGrips).
  3. Click Application menu > Preferences (or type EntityGrips).
  4. In the Options dialog box, click User Preferences .
  5. Expand Drafting Options > Entity Selection.
  6. Expand EGrips Options to:
  7. Expand EGrips Colors to determine the color for:
  8. Expand EGrips Size to set the display size of EntityGrips.
  9. Click OK.


Command: EntityGrips

Related Topics

Modify with EntityGrips

Applying EntityGrip Nodes

Setting User Preferences and Program Configuration