
The following typeface conventions are used in the help.


Commands entered at the command window or chosen from a menu or toolbar are bold:

: Move

Advice on how to respond to command requests, are shown in angle brackets:

Specify entities» <Select the entities to copy>
Specify entities» <Press Enter to end selection>

Point specifications referred to in illustrations are represented as:

Specify first point» <P1>
Specify second point» <P2>

Options and categories

Command options or methods and modes that can be used when prompted, including menu or toolbar names, dialog box captions, area names, buttons, fields, or other controls are bold. For example:

Click Add to create new elements ...

Text in files

Text in customization files uses the Courier typeface:

*Dashdot, _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ .
A, 0.5, -0.25, 0, -0.25

Related Topics

Command and Data Entry