Reassigning Mouse Gestures

There are 8 preassigned commands mapped to mouse gestures, one command for each of eight mouse gesture directions. By default, 4 of the preassigned commands are available in the mouse gesture guide.

You can customize the commands assigned to mouse gestures.

To reassign a mouse gesture command:

  1. Click Tools > Mouse Gestures.
  2. Set Category to All Commands.
  3. Click the Select column to view the current mouse gesture commands.
  4. Decide which command to add, selecting from available commands.
  5. Choose one of the mouse gesture directions to reassign, and in the row for the new command, select the mouse gesture direction from the list..

    By default, four directions are available. Select 8 Gestures to assign commands for eight gesture directions:



Command: Gesture

Menu: Tools > Mouse Gestures

Related Topics

Mouse Gestures

Using Mouse Gesture Commands

Configuring Eight Mouse Gestures

Mouse Gestures Dialog Box